Viikon 7/2025 varastokampanja:
Decca/Philips CD:t -30%

(päivitetty 10.2.)

(päivitetty 11.2.)

(päivitetty 13.12.)

(päivitetty 13.12.)

(päivitetty 10.1.)


VINYYLILEVYT vihdoin myös verkkokaupassamme! Kaikki levyt ovat käyttämättömiä (uusia tai vanhaa varastoa). Valikoima täydentyy.
(päivitetty 18.12.)

Uudenveroiset käytetyt CD:t - mukana paljon markkinoilta poistuneita tuotteita! Valikoima täydentyy jatkuvasti.
(päivitetty 25.1.)

Edulliset Warner Classics -boksit – huom: tuotteiden hinta nousee 31.12. (valikoimaa täydennetty 13.12.)

Yli 100€ tilaukset aina postikuluitta!

1.1.2025: Rekisteröityneiden asiakkaiden automaattinen 10% alennus päättyi vuodenvaihteessa, ja järjestely on korvattu uudella jäsenyysjärjestelmällä. Lisätietoja ja ohjeet jäsenyyden aktivointiin tästä linkistä.

30.4.2024: MUSIIKKITALON MYYMÄLÄMME ON SULJETTU! Jatkamme toimintaa verkkokaupassamme, tilauksia voi tehdä myös sähköpostitse fuga@fuga.fi ja puhelimitse 041-4467176. Tilausten nouto Helsingin keskustasta on jatkossakin mahdollista (kts. toimitusehdot).

11.6.2023: Joitain asiakkaitamme haitannut Paytrailin maksupalveluun siirtymisen estänyt ongelma on nyt lopulta saatu korjattua ja tilaamisen pitäisi sujua jälleen normaalisti.
1-10 €
11-20 €
21-30 €
31-40 €
41-50 €
51- €
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Viikko sitten
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Kuukausi sitten
Vain alennuskohteet
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Hinta (nouseva)
Hinta (laskeva)
Vox Silentii / Videte miraculum - keskiaikaisia birgittalaislauluja Naantalin luostarista / Medieval Bridgettine Chants from Naantali Convent
Vox Silentii / Videte miraculum - keskiaikaisia birgittalaislauluja Naantalin luostarista / Medieval Bridgettine Chants from Naantali Convent
22 €1xcd
Alfred Cortot plays Henry Purcell / J.S. Bach / Felix Mendelssohn / César Franck / Camille Saint-Saëns
Alfred Cortot plays Henry Purcell / J.S. Bach / Felix Mendelssohn / César Franck / Camille Saint-Saëns
13,50 €1xCD
Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet / The Loeki Files
Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet / The Loeki Files
22 €1xCD+DVD
Andrés Segovia / The 1944 American Recordings / Isaac Albéniz / John Dowland / Enrique Granados / Henry Purcell / Domenico Scarlatti et al.
Andrés Segovia / The 1944 American Recordings / Isaac Albéniz / John Dowland / Enrique Granados / Henry Purcell / Domenico Scarlatti et al.
13,50 €1xCD
Anna Netrebko / Amata dalle Tenebre // Richard Strauss / Giuseppe Verdi / Richard Wagner / Francesco Cilea / Pyotr Tchaikovsky / Giacomo Puccini / Henry Purcell
Anna Netrebko / Amata dalle Tenebre
Richard Strauss
Giuseppe Verdi
Richard Wagner
Francesco Cilea
Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Giacomo Puccini
Henry Purcell
24.00 €1xCD
Anna Prohaska / Celebration of Life in Death // Lorenzo da Firenze / Salomone Rossi / Francesco Cavalli / Nicolaus Bruhns / Christoph Graupner / Franz Tunder / Oswald von Wolkenstein / Guillaume de Machaut / Henry Purcell / Dietrich Buxtehude
Anna Prohaska / Celebration of Life in Death
Lorenzo da Firenze
Salomone Rossi
Francesco Cavalli
Nicolaus Bruhns
Christoph Graupner
Franz Tunder
Oswald von Wolkenstein
Guillaume de Machaut
Henry Purcell
Dietrich Buxtehude
22 €1xCD
Anna Prohaska / Serpent & Fire // Henry Purcell / Christoph Graupner / Antonio Sartorio / Matthew Locke / Daniele da Castrovillari / Johann Adolph Hasse / Georg Friedrich Händel / Luigi Rossi
Anna Prohaska / Serpent & Fire
Henry Purcell
Christoph Graupner
Antonio Sartorio
Matthew Locke
Daniele da Castrovillari
Johann Adolph Hasse
Georg Friedrich Händel
Luigi Rossi
22 €1xCD
Anne Sofie von Otter / Lamenti // Claudio Monteverdi / Henry Purcell / Antonio Vivaldi / Musica Antiqua Köln / Reinhard Goebel
Anne Sofie von Otter / Lamenti
Claudio Monteverdi
Henry Purcell
Antonio Vivaldi
Musica Antiqua Köln
Reinhard Goebel
24 €1xCD
Arto Juusela / Guitar and Lute Recordings 1958-1975 // John Dowland / John Johnson / Vincenzo Galilei / Antonio Vivaldi / Girolamo Frescobaldi / Enrique Granados / Fernando Sor / Federico Moreno Torroba / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco / Erik Bergman
Arto Juusela / Guitar and Lute Recordings 1958-1975
John Dowland
John Johnson
Vincenzo Galilei
Antonio Vivaldi
Girolamo Frescobaldi
Enrique Granados
Fernando Sor
Federico Moreno Torroba
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Erik Bergman
22 €2xCD
Bart Coen / The London Flute // Francesco Mancini / Francis Forcer / Arcangelo Corelli / Robert Carr / Georg Friedrich Händel / Jacques Paisible / Andrew Parcham / Henry Purcell / Charles Dieupart / Jean-Baptiste Loeillet
Bart Coen / The London Flute
Francesco Mancini
Francis Forcer
Arcangelo Corelli
Robert Carr
Georg Friedrich Händel
Jacques Paisible
Andrew Parcham
Henry Purcell
Charles Dieupart
Jean-Baptiste Loeillet
23,50 €1xCD
Bravade Recorder Quartet / Reflections of the Past and Present // J.S. Bach / Chiel Meijering / Lotta Wennäkoski / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina / Henrik Marstrander / Henry Purcell / Tomi Räisänen / William Byrd
Bravade Recorder Quartet / Reflections of the Past and Present
J.S. Bach
Chiel Meijering
Lotta Wennäkoski
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Henrik Marstrander
Henry Purcell
Tomi Räisänen
William Byrd
21 €1xCD
Children's Cello / Steven Isserlis
Children's Cello / Steven Isserlis
22 €1xcd
Claudia Barainsky / Delian Quartett / Im wachen Träume // Robert Schumann / William Byrd / Henry Purcell
Claudia Barainsky / Delian Quartett / Im wachen Träume
Robert Schumann
William Byrd
Henry Purcell
22 €
Daniel Taylor / Portrait // J.S. Bach / John Dowland / Henry Purcell / John Blow
Daniel Taylor / Portrait
J.S. Bach
John Dowland
Henry Purcell
John Blow
24 €CD
EOL (Eteläsuomalaisen Osakunnan Laulajat) / Shades and Darkness // John Bennet / Thomas Tomkins / Orlando Gibbons / Henry Purcell / John Blow / Thomas Weelkes / John Wilbye
EOL (Eteläsuomalaisen Osakunnan Laulajat) / Shades and Darkness
John Bennet
Thomas Tomkins
Orlando Gibbons
Henry Purcell
John Blow
Thomas Weelkes
John Wilbye
20 €1xCD
Garth Knox / Saltarello // Henry Purcell / Antonio Vivaldi / Hildegard von Bingen / Guillaume de Machaut / Kaija Saariaho / John Dowland
Garth Knox / Saltarello
Henry Purcell
Antonio Vivaldi
Hildegard von Bingen
Guillaume de Machaut
Kaija Saariaho
John Dowland
22 €1xCD
George Crumb / Apparition / Henry Purcell / Songs / Christine Schäfer / Eric Schneider
George Crumb / Apparition / Henry Purcell / Songs / Christine Schäfer / Eric Schneider
22 €1xCD
György Kurtág / Kurtág's Ghosts // Marino Formenti
György Kurtág / Kurtág's Ghosts
Marino Formenti
35 € 24 €2xCD
Henry Purcell / Cease, anxious World / La Reveuse
Henry Purcell / Cease, anxious World / La Reveuse
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Choral Works // Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford / The English Concort / Simon Preston
Henry Purcell / Choral Works
Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford
The English Concort
Simon Preston
24 €2xCD
Henry Purcell / Dido & Aeneas // Simone Kermes / Dimitris Tiliakos / Deborah York / Teodor Currentzis
Henry Purcell / Dido & Aeneas
Simone Kermes
Dimitris Tiliakos
Deborah York
Teodor Currentzis
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Dido & Aeneas // Vivica Genaux / Le Poeme Harmonique
Henry Purcell / Dido & Aeneas
Vivica Genaux
Le Poeme Harmonique
36,95 € 18,48 €1xDVD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Emma Kirkby / Catherine Bott / Chorus and Orchestra of the Academy of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Emma Kirkby / Catherine Bott / Chorus and Orchestra of the Academy of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood
13,50 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Malena Ernman / Christopher Maltman / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants / Blu-Ray Disc
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Malena Ernman / Christopher Maltman / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants / Blu-Ray Disc
35 €1xBlu-ray
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Malena Ernman / Christopher Maltman / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants DVD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Malena Ernman / Christopher Maltman / William Christie / Les Arts Florissants DVD
32,50 €1xDVD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Sarah Connolly / Gerald Finley / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / Steven Devine / Elisabeth Kenny
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Sarah Connolly / Gerald Finley / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / Steven Devine / Elisabeth Kenny
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Solenn Lavanant Linke / Alejandro Meerapfe / Nouvelle Ménestrandie / Cappella Mediterranea / Leonardo García Alarcón
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas / Solenn Lavanant Linke / Alejandro Meerapfe / Nouvelle Ménestrandie / Cappella Mediterranea / Leonardo García Alarcón
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas // Kirsten Flagstad / Thomas Hemsley / Mermaid Singers and Orchestra / Geraint Jones
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas
Kirsten Flagstad
Thomas Hemsley
Mermaid Singers and Orchestra
Geraint Jones
18 €
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas // Sarah Connolly / Lucas Meachem / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / Christopher Hogwood DVD
Henry Purcell / Dido and Aeneas
Sarah Connolly
Lucas Meachem
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Christopher Hogwood DVD
29 €1xDVD
Henry Purcell / Divine Hymns / Les Arts Florissants / William Christie
Henry Purcell / Divine Hymns / Les Arts Florissants / William Christie
24 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Evening Prayer / Chanticleer
Henry Purcell / Evening Prayer / Chanticleer
24 €1xcd
Henry Purcell / Fantasias for the Viols / Hesperion XX / Jordi Savall
Henry Purcell / Fantasias for the Viols / Hesperion XX / Jordi Savall
17 €1xSACD
Henry Purcell / Fantazias // John Holloway Ensemble
Henry Purcell / Fantazias
John Holloway Ensemble
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / King Arthur // Choir of Staatsoper unter den Linden / Staatskapelle Dresden / Rene Jacobs
Henry Purcell / King Arthur
Choir of Staatsoper unter den Linden
Staatskapelle Dresden
Rene Jacobs
29 € 14,50 €1xDVD
Henry Purcell / King Arthur 1691 // Paul McCreesh
Henry Purcell / King Arthur 1691
Paul McCreesh
32 €2xCD
Henry Purcell / Love Songs // Lautten Compagney Berlin / Dorothee Mields
Henry Purcell / Love Songs
Lautten Compagney Berlin
Dorothee Mields
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Music for a while // Alfred Deller
Henry Purcell / Music for a while
Alfred Deller
16 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / O Solitude // Andreas Scholl
Henry Purcell / O Solitude
Andreas Scholl
24 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Päivi Järviö
Henry Purcell / Päivi Järviö
23 €1xcd
Henry Purcell / Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II vol. 4 // The Sixteen / Harry Christophers
Henry Purcell / Royal Welcome Songs for King Charles II vol. 4
The Sixteen
Harry Christophers
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Sacred Music / Funeral Sentences for Queen Mary
Henry Purcell / Sacred Music / Funeral Sentences for Queen Mary
13,50 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Secular Songs vol. 3
Henry Purcell / Secular Songs vol. 3
22 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Songs and Airs / Emma Kirkby / Anthony Rooley / Christopher Hogwood
Henry Purcell / Songs and Airs / Emma Kirkby / Anthony Rooley / Christopher Hogwood
13,50 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / Songs and Dialogues / Emma Kirkby / David Thomas / Anthony Rooley
Henry Purcell / Songs and Dialogues / Emma Kirkby / David Thomas / Anthony Rooley
12 €1xcd
Henry Purcell / Ten Sonatas in Four Parts / Retrospect Trio
Henry Purcell / Ten Sonatas in Four Parts / Retrospect Trio
23 €1xCD
Henry Purcell / The Fairy Queen / Lucy Crowe / Carolyn Sampson / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / William Christie 2DVD
Henry Purcell / The Fairy Queen / Lucy Crowe / Carolyn Sampson / Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / William Christie 2DVD
45,50 €2xDVD

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