Viikon 7/2025 varastokampanja:
Decca/Philips CD:t -30%

(päivitetty 10.2.)

(päivitetty 11.2.)

(päivitetty 13.12.)

(päivitetty 13.12.)

(päivitetty 10.1.)


VINYYLILEVYT vihdoin myös verkkokaupassamme! Kaikki levyt ovat käyttämättömiä (uusia tai vanhaa varastoa). Valikoima täydentyy.
(päivitetty 18.12.)

Uudenveroiset käytetyt CD:t - mukana paljon markkinoilta poistuneita tuotteita! Valikoima täydentyy jatkuvasti.
(päivitetty 25.1.)

Edulliset Warner Classics -boksit – huom: tuotteiden hinta nousee 31.12. (valikoimaa täydennetty 13.12.)

Yli 100€ tilaukset aina postikuluitta!

1.1.2025: Rekisteröityneiden asiakkaiden automaattinen 10% alennus päättyi vuodenvaihteessa, ja järjestely on korvattu uudella jäsenyysjärjestelmällä. Lisätietoja ja ohjeet jäsenyyden aktivointiin tästä linkistä.

30.4.2024: MUSIIKKITALON MYYMÄLÄMME ON SULJETTU! Jatkamme toimintaa verkkokaupassamme, tilauksia voi tehdä myös sähköpostitse fuga@fuga.fi ja puhelimitse 041-4467176. Tilausten nouto Helsingin keskustasta on jatkossakin mahdollista (kts. toimitusehdot).

11.6.2023: Joitain asiakkaitamme haitannut Paytrailin maksupalveluun siirtymisen estänyt ongelma on nyt lopulta saatu korjattua ja tilaamisen pitäisi sujua jälleen normaalisti.
1-10 €
11-20 €
21-30 €
31-40 €
41-50 €
51- €
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Viikko sitten
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Kuukausi sitten
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Lisätty valikoimaan
Hinta (nouseva)
Hinta (laskeva)
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphony no. 5 / W.A. Mozart / Sinfonia Concertante / West-Eastern Divan Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphony no. 5 / W.A. Mozart / Sinfonia Concertante / West-Eastern Divan Orchestra / Daniel Barenboim
24 €1xcd
Accentus / Transcriptions
Accentus / Transcriptions
27,50 €2xCD
Amsterdam Guitar Trio / Transcriptions for Guitar Trio
Amsterdam Guitar Trio / Transcriptions for Guitar Trio
17 €2xCD
C.P.E. Bach / Transcriptions for Guitar / Petri Kumela
C.P.E. Bach / Transcriptions for Guitar / Petri Kumela
23 €1xcd
Caprice: Trumpet Transcriptions / Alison Balsom
Caprice: Trumpet Transcriptions / Alison Balsom
24 €1xcd
Clavier Transcriptions / Reijo Ahonen, accordion
Clavier Transcriptions / Reijo Ahonen, accordion
20 €1xCD
Ferruccio Busoni / Transcriptions for piano after J.S. Bach / John Ogdon
Ferruccio Busoni / Transcriptions for piano after J.S. Bach / John Ogdon
44 €2xCD
Franz Liszt / Piano Recital (Live at La Scala) / Daniel Barenboim
Franz Liszt / Piano Recital (Live at La Scala) / Daniel Barenboim
24 €1xCD
Franz Liszt / Piano Works // Valentina Lisitsa
Franz Liszt / Piano Works
Valentina Lisitsa
24 €1xCD
Franz Liszt / The Early Beethoven Transcriptions
Franz Liszt / The Early Beethoven Transcriptions
63 €3xCD
Franz Schubert / Piano Transcriptions / Antti Siirala
Franz Schubert / Piano Transcriptions / Antti Siirala
13,50 €1xcd
Georges Cziffra / The Complete Studio Recordings for EMI and Erato, 1956-1986 // Franz Liszt / Frédéric Chopin / W.A. Mozart / Ludwig van Beethoven / Franz Schubert / Edvard Grieg / Johannes Brahms / Clauder Debussy / Albert Roussel / Maurice Ravel
Georges Cziffra / The Complete Studio Recordings for EMI and Erato, 1956-1986
Franz Liszt
Frédéric Chopin
W.A. Mozart
Ludwig van Beethoven
Franz Schubert
Edvard Grieg
Johannes Brahms
Clauder Debussy
Albert Roussel
Maurice Ravel
100 €41xCD
Hans Abrahamsen / 10 Preludes / 6 Pieces / Transcriptions of Erik Satie & Carl Nielsen // Ensemble MidtVest
Hans Abrahamsen / 10 Preludes / 6 Pieces / Transcriptions of Erik Satie & Carl Nielsen
Ensemble MidtVest
22 €1xCD
Hans Abrahamsen / Works for Wind Quintet / Transcriptions of Robert Schumann & Maurice Ravel // Ensemble MidtVest
Hans Abrahamsen / Works for Wind Quintet / Transcriptions of Robert Schumann & Maurice Ravel
Ensemble MidtVest
22 €1xCD
Igor Stravinsky / Edition
Igor Stravinsky / Edition
80 €23xCD
Igor Stravinsky / Maurice Ravel / Transcriptions // Beatrice Rana
Igor Stravinsky / Maurice Ravel / Transcriptions
Beatrice Rana
24 €
J.S. Bach / Arrangements (Transcriptions by Kempff, d’Albert, Hess, Hewitt & c) / Angela Hewitt, piano
J.S. Bach / Arrangements (Transcriptions by Kempff, d’Albert, Hess, Hewitt & c) / Angela Hewitt, piano
22 €1xcd
J.S. Bach / Guitar Transcriptions
J.S. Bach / Guitar Transcriptions
13,50 €1xCD
J.S. Bach / Guitar Transcriptions
J.S. Bach / Guitar Transcriptions
13,50 €1xCD
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions - Rare Historical Recordings 1925-1947
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions - Rare Historical Recordings 1925-1947
13,50 €CD
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions 4 / The Feinberg Transcriptions / Martin Roscoe, piano
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions 4 / The Feinberg Transcriptions / Martin Roscoe, piano
22 €2xcd
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions 5 / Russian Transcriptions / Hamish Milne
J.S. Bach / Piano Transcriptions 5 / Russian Transcriptions / Hamish Milne
22 €1xcd
J.S. Bach / The Conductors Transcriptions / SACD
J.S. Bach / The Conductors Transcriptions / SACD
23,50 €1xSACD
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions // Hélène Grimaud / Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions
Hélène Grimaud
Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
24 €1xCD
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions // Leonard Slatkin
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions
Leonard Slatkin
22 €1xCD
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions for Bassoon and Organ / Dirk Meijer / Gees van der Poel
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions for Bassoon and Organ / Dirk Meijer / Gees van der Poel
22 €1xcd
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions for Piano // Risto Lauriala
J.S. Bach / Transcriptions for Piano
Risto Lauriala
13,50 €1xcd
Jean Sibelius / Piano Transcriptions // Henri Sigfridsson
Jean Sibelius / Piano Transcriptions
Henri Sigfridsson
22 €1xCD
Jean Sibelius / Symphonies No. 2  & 5 (Piano Transcriptions) / Henri Sigfridsson
Jean Sibelius / Symphonies No. 2 & 5 (Piano Transcriptions) / Henri Sigfridsson
22 €1xCD
Jean Sibelius / The Complete Piano Transcriptions Vol. 2 / Erik T. Tawastjerna
Jean Sibelius / The Complete Piano Transcriptions Vol. 2 / Erik T. Tawastjerna
22 €1xCD
Kaikhosru Sorabji / Piano Music and Transcriptions // Michael Habermann
Kaikhosru Sorabji / Piano Music and Transcriptions
Michael Habermann
22 €1xcd
Leopold Godowsky / Strauss Transcriptions // Marc-André Hamelin
Leopold Godowsky / Strauss Transcriptions
Marc-André Hamelin
22 €1xCD
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt) / Laura Mikkola
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt) / Laura Mikkola
13,50 €1xcd
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies 1 & 5 (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt) / Jouni Somero
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies 1 & 5 (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt) / Jouni Somero
20 €
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies 1-9 (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt) // Yury Martynov
Ludwig van Beethoven / Symphonies 1-9 (Piano Transcriptions by Franz Liszt)
Yury Martynov
40 €6xCD
Manfred Gräsbeck / Faust - Opera Paraphrases and Transcriptions // Christoph Willibald Gluck / Pablo de Sarasate / Franz Liszt / Camille Saint-Saens / Jules Massenet / Henryk Wieniawski
Manfred Gräsbeck / Faust - Opera Paraphrases and Transcriptions
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Pablo de Sarasate
Franz Liszt
Camille Saint-Saens
Jules Massenet
Henryk Wieniawski
17 €1xCD
Manuel Barrueco / Complete Recordings on Warner Classics
Manuel Barrueco / Complete Recordings on Warner Classics
45 €11xCD
Nikolai Demidenko // Bach-Busoni Transcriptions vol. 2
Nikolai Demidenko
Bach-Busoni Transcriptions vol. 2
22 €1xcd
Olivier Latry / Midnight at Notre-Dame / Organ Transcriptions
Olivier Latry / Midnight at Notre-Dame / Organ Transcriptions
24 €1xSACD
Piano Transcriptions / Jouni Somero
Piano Transcriptions / Jouni Somero
20 €1xcd
Richard Wagner / Organ Transcriptions // Kalevi Kiviniemi
Richard Wagner / Organ Transcriptions
Kalevi Kiviniemi
20 €1xcd
Risto-Matti Marin / Magic Fire and other Wagner transcriptions
Risto-Matti Marin / Magic Fire and other Wagner transcriptions
23 €1xSACD
Sigismond Thalberg / Paraphrases and Transcriptions // Satu Paavola
Sigismond Thalberg / Paraphrases and Transcriptions
Satu Paavola
19 €1xCD
Three Solo Suites / J.S. Bach /  Transcriptions for Lute , Vol. 6 / Toyohiko Satoh
Three Solo Suites / J.S. Bach / Transcriptions for Lute , Vol. 6 / Toyohiko Satoh
22 €1xcd
Ville Urponen / The Swan - Finnish Organ Transcriptions vol. 1 // Selim Palmgren / Jean Sibelius
Ville Urponen / The Swan - Finnish Organ Transcriptions vol. 1
Selim Palmgren
Jean Sibelius
20 €1xCD
Ville Urponen / The Swan of Tuonela - Finnish Organ Transcriptions vol. 2 //  Jean Sibelius
Ville Urponen / The Swan of Tuonela - Finnish Organ Transcriptions vol. 2
Jean Sibelius
20 €1xCD
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